Grails vs Play Framework - Which JVM web development framework is better for enterprise apps

November 08, 2021

Hello, fellow developers!

Are you confused about which JVM-based web development framework to choose for your enterprise app? Well, don't worry, you're not alone! With so many options available, selecting the right one can be a daunting task. In this blog, we'll compare the two prominent Java web development frameworks - Grails and Play Framework - so you can decide which one suits your needs the best.


Grails is an open-source, high-productivity web application framework that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is built on top of the Spring Framework and offers a convention-over-configuration approach to web development. The framework uses the Groovy language, which is fully compatible with Java and can be easily integrated with legacy Java code.

Pros of Grails

  • It supports rapid development with its scaffolding feature that eliminates the need for writing boilerplate code.
  • It has a vibrant community that contributes plugins and tools to enhance its functionality.
  • It provides support for agile software development methodologies.
  • It is easy to use and has a gentle learning curve for Java developers.

Cons of Grails

  • It is slower than Play Framework due to its heavy use of dynamic code.
  • It has a smaller developer community compared to Play Framework.

Play Framework

Play Framework is a lightweight, stateless web framework that emphasizes modularity and scalability. It uses a reactive programming model based on Akka Streams and Netty, which allows for high concurrency and performance. The framework is built on Scala, and Java developers can easily write code in Java and integrate it with existing Java code.

Pros of Play Framework

  • It provides high scalability due to its non-blocking I/O model.
  • It supports hot-reloading that eliminates the need for server restarts during development.
  • It has a larger developer community compared to Grails.
  • Play Framework applications are faster than Grails applications due to its less dynamic code.

Cons of Play Framework

  • It has a steep learning curve for developers new to functional programming and reactive programming.
  • It may not be suitable for smaller projects as its modular architecture adds complexity.


In conclusion, Grails and Play Framework are both competent JVM-based web development frameworks that offer unique advantages. Grails is ideal for rapid development and easy integration with legacy Java code, while Play Framework is best suited for high-concurrency and performance-driven applications.

Both frameworks have their strengths and weaknesses, and the ultimate decision depends on the requirements of your enterprise application. We hope this comparison helped you make an informed decision.

Happy coding!


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